Real life comparison of Symfony router and Mezon router. Part 2
Hi all! Since the last article I have got some feedback. And the time has come to improve benchmark according to this feedback.
The author of the CompiledUrlMatcher Nikolas Grekas pointed on mistake in this case:
for ($i = 0; $i < \Mezon\Benchmark\Base::$iterationsAmount; $i ++) {
$staticRoutes = \Mezon\Benchmark\RouteGenerator::generateSymfonyStaticRoutes(1000); $dumper = new CompiledUrlMatcherDumper($staticRoutes); $requestContext = new RequestContext();
$requestContext->fromRequest(Request::createFromGlobals()); $staticMatcher = new CompiledUrlMatcher($dumper->getCompiledRoutes(), $requestContext);
$staticMatcher->match('/static/' . rand(0, ROUTES_AMOUNT - 1))['controller']();
He have told that $dumper->getCompiledRoutes() should not be called in array. Very reasonable. So I have changed the benchmark and now it looks like this:
// before the benchmark we shall compile routes and store them into cache
$staticRoutes = \Mezon\Benchmark\RouteGenerator::generateSymfonyStaticRoutes(1000);
$dumperStatic = new CompiledUrlMatcherDumper($staticRoutes);
__DIR__ . '/../../../cache/static-cache.php',
'<?php return ' . var_export($dumperStatic->getCompiledRoutes(), true) . ';');
And then we shall use this cache in the case:
for ($i = 0; $i < \Mezon\Benchmark\Base::$iterationsAmount; $i ++) {
$requestContext = new RequestContext();
$requestContext->fromRequest(Request::createFromGlobals()); $compiledRoutes = require __DIR__ . '/../../../cache/static-cache.php'; $staticMatcher = new CompiledUrlMatcher($compiledRoutes, $requestContext);
$staticMatcher->match('/static/' . rand(0, \Mezon\Benchmark\Base::$iterationsAmount - 1))['controller']();
And what are the results? )

- Mezon router is almost in all cases faster then Symfony’s default UrlMatcher;
- But if you agree to dig into Symfony’s CompiledUrlMatcher — it will be the best choice.
What is mezon/router?
mezon/router now is:
- php framework for routing with 100% code coverage
- 10.0 points on
- router is a part of the Mezon Project
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