New PHP package for implementing authorization via social media
Just type
composer require mezon/social-network
All supported social networks
- VKontakte
- Odnoklassniki
If you need support of the social media wich is not in the list please use issue creation form
Facebook auth code
First of all we need to create Facebook application
After that you will be able to use this application for sign in page on your site.
And somewhere in your code you need to create object:
$facebook = new \Mezon\SocialNetwork\Auth\Facebook([
'client_id' => 'client id from the Facebook application',
'client_secret' => 'client secret from the Facebook application',
'redirect_uri' => 'URI of your web application on wih user will be redirected after authorization on Facebook'
Then output a button on your page wich will let users to go on the Facebook and use ther facebook account for signing in on your site:
print('<a href="'.$facebook->getLink().'"Sign In</a>a>');
After clicking on that link you users will be redirected on the Facebook. There they will confirm that they want to use your application for signing in and grant access to their account’s data. And then they will be redurected on the ‘redirect_uri’ wich you have specified when you created your application on Facebook and the same URL must be used wile $facebook object setup.
// your redirect_uri must process codeif($facebook->auth($_GET['code'])) {
// authorization was successfull
else {
// an error have occured
If the method $facebook->auth() have returned true
then everithing is OK and you can fetch user's data:
// here:
// [
// 'id' => 'user id',
// 'first_name' => 'user first name',
// 'last_name' => 'user last name',
// 'email' => 'user email, but looks like Facebook has forbidden to fetch this info, so dont rely on this field',
// 'picture' => 'user avatar'
// ]
Learn more
More information can be found here: