Example of fast creation of PHP client for Jira REST API.

Hi! In this article I want to demostrate the way you can create PHP clients to the REST APIs. And the example will be for Jira REST API.
First of all I shall use my package wich will help me in this quest.
First of all we need class wich will represent connection to tha API. IT will not be a real connection but it will contain all necessary information for performing requests to the API:
class Connection
{ private $connection = null; /**
* Connection to the Jira REST API
* @param string $url
* jira server URL
* @param string $login
* user login
* @param string $token
* access token. See this page https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html for more information
public function __construct(string $url = '', string $login = '', string $token = '')
if ($url !== '') {
$this->connect($url, $login, $token);
} /**
* Connection to the Jira REST API
* @param string $url
* jira server URL
* @param string $login
* user login
* @param string $token
* access token. See this page https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html for more information
public function connect(string $url, string $login, string $token): void
$this->connection = new CustomClient($url, [
'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($login . ':' . $token)
} /**
* Method sends GET request to Jira server
* @param string $endpoint
* endpoint to REST method
* @return object result
public function sendGetRequest(string $endpoint): object
// trait string as JSON object
return json_decode($this->connection->sendGetRequest($endpoint), false);
Quite simple yeah? )
Now let’s fetch some projects as a proof that our class works fine:
class ProjectsRepository extends ArrayObject
{ /**
* Connection to Jira
* @var Connection
private $connection = null; /**
* Constructor
* @param Connection $connection
* connection to Jira
public function __construct(Connection $connection)
$this->connection = $connection;
} /**
* Method loads list of projects from server
public function loadProjects(): void
// initial setup
$result = [];
$startAt = 0; // main loop
do {
// reading data
$page = $this->connection->sendGetRequest('/project/search/?startAt=' . $startAt); // and here we read all projects in loop
} while (! $page->isLast);
As I’ve said earlier it is quite easy )
PS you can download the full package with the example of Jira Client via this link.