Custom types in Mezon Router
Since one of the last update of Mezon Router you can define your own types for URL parser. Let’s try to create date

First of all we should create simple class:
class DateRouterType
{ /**
* Method returns regexp for searching this entity in the URL
* @return string regexp for searching
public static function searchRegExp(): string
return '(\[date:'.BaseType::PARAMETER_NAME_REGEXP.'\])';
Here BaseType::PARAMETER_NAME_REGEXP is a global setting wich tells router that parameter names must consist of:
- a-z and A-Z letters
- 0–9
- and symbols _ and -
Now we need to define one more class method wich will parse date if it will occur:
public static function parserRegExp(): string
// pretty simple regexp
return '([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})';
And somewhere in your setup files you need to switch this type on:
$router->addType('date', DateRouterType::class);
Now you can handle routes like this:
But be careful. For example you will define such routes:
$router->addRoute('/posts-for-[date:posts-date]/', function(UserObject $userObject){
// some activities here
});$router->addRoute('/[s:some-url/', function(UserObject $userObject){
// some activities here
Then the first handler /posts-for-[date:posts-date]/
will be called for the route /posts-for-2020-02-02/
Learn more
More information can be found here: