Class for Ajax applications

Let me introduce my small class for creating Ajax based applications.
Mezon Framework provides simple class for creating ajax applications. This class uses all functionality of the Mezon Application Class also provides usefull functionality:
- automatic creation of the routes ‘{RouteName}’ from methods like ‘action{RouteName}’;
- routes setup from config.
- action messaging.
Just print in console
composer require mezon/ajax-application
And that’s all )
Exception handling
For better debugging exception handling is performed in a special way. If the ajax request will be failed to process, then on the front end you will get JSON object with fields:
- code — code of the occured error;
- message — textual description of the occured error;
- call_stack — call stack for the call wich lead to the error.
Finishing request processing
After finishing request processing you can mark it as successfull:
function ajaxRequestSuccess(): void
Wich will return {"code": 0}
Or return any other result:
function ajaxRequestResult($result): void
In this case $result will be encoded in JSON and outputted.
Or in case of the error you can call
function ajaxRequestError(string $message, int $code = - 1): void
Wich will return object {"code": $code, "message": "message"}
Learn more
More information can be found here: